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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Check out the new Gamestop card diggs

You thought the massive palace was cool... and it was!  The new castle available from the gamestop $40 card is a new twist on luxury!

Check out the sultan's palace complete with cloths, a magic carpet, gear, pet, dueling arena and a Genie that grants daily wishes in your very own treasure room!

Click on the images to zoom in!

Me wish was granted! :D
Check out the new Sultan's palace only from the amazing minds at Wizard101!

~Valerian Nightbringer

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The contest is now closed

I'll pull the results and use to pick lines numbers out of the resulting entries and contact the winners by email.

Good Luck!!

Here's a fun picture from Wizard101's Wintertusk

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last chance on the codes contest

Enter our codes contest here: Valerian's School milestone celebration contest

I'll be closing the contest tomorrow as I get ready for the next phase of our celebration!

I'll also be giving some hints and details on deck setup for Celestia and Wintertusk and some hints on where to find the Trogs.

Enjoy Wintertusk!
Valerian Nightbringer

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mystery Composer Reveal

So the word got out that the Wintertusk composer was in fact Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers.  :)  (girls scream here)

I for one didn't know he was a composer but I think he did a great job.  Not only that I think it says a lot about Wizard101 that they are able to attact such hot talent and that they try to have fun with their game contributions.

I was laughing at some of the quest names in GH the other night.  I appreciate when they put in little quest names that relate to shows or silly sayings. One could say it gives me a virtual chuckle :) now and then. 

What quest names have you noticed that relate to TV shows or movies?  Comment below with the quest name and what movie or thing it relates to.

I also noticed a lot of connections in the game to the new Thor movie.  I hadn't realized how many connections there were in the quest lines and story lines and even spells to the legends of Vikings.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Check out the new Wizard101 commercial

Check out the Wizard101 Youtube site.  While your're at it check out some of our wizarding videos including the first virtual play and one of the first virtual weddings of actualy newly weds IRL!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Level 35 Spell and Wintertusk Quests

I was able to confirm my suspicion that you need to be done Grizzleheim to get the new spell and also the Wintertusk quests.  I was able to pick up these quests on my level 56 death wizard who is part way through Celestia and my level 60 ice.  But I was not able to see the prompts nor see the quests at the NPC quest helpers on a level 55 fire wizard who is more than half way through Celestia.

Storm Drain tower has some interesting quirks that I'll talk more about shortly.

Happy questing!
Valerian Nightbringer

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wintertusk is being installed tonight!

Some interesting news on the spells:

1) Stunning will only generate one stun shield. I guess this means chaining is back for fire and myth wizards.
2) Fire's link spell will do damage and heal on the first pass now
3) Ice colossus is going to get upgraded to 500-580 damage finally having a hit equal to death's best hit.
4) Stun block spell gives two stun shields available from Diego. You have to be a private to train for it.
5) Sprite Queen's heal will do 60 and then 111 per round for 3 rounds.
6) Lifebane won't be cast by the Sprite Guardian and won't be available as a treasure card! The Sprite Guardian will use spirit armor instead.
7) Empower cards can't go critical and kill death wizards.
8) Empower normal and pet empower card damage is lowered to 300 from 500
9) Empower damage treasure and amulet card is lowered to 250 from 400
10) Doom and gloom will now be a standard -65% rather than -50%
11) Players will no longer be stuck on the opposing team when beguile is cast back-to-back on both teams.
12) Accuracy and Damage can now be added to health drain spells!
13) Cleanse charm is now 0 pips
14) The odds of self destructing with insane bolt are now 20%
15) Earthquake no longer removes stun shields
16) Pierce now costs 0 pips
17) Pips given by a minion will no longer disappear if the minion dies
18) Accuracy and damage enhancement can be applied to Power Nova
19) Polymorph Gobbler now has 90% stun resist

Monday, May 9, 2011

Contest Entry Form

Below is the contest entry form for our random drawing. We are giving away 10 codes provided by Wizard101 that produce a random item. So if you win, you have a random chance of getting one of these items:

500 Crowns   Or   2500 Gold   Or   7 Day Bengal Tiger Mount    Or
7 Day Dark Redwing Mount    Or    Bright Blue Silk Kimono Housing Item    Or
Standing Ice Prince Statue Housing Item    Or   FOG Unicorn Pet    Or
Amaranthine Staff   Or    FOG Staff

Enter below. Young Wizards please have your parent enter for you!   The contest will be closed May 20, 2011 if we reach our goal of more than 100 entries.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

We're starting our celebration

We managed to amass some amazing Wizard101 give-aways for our celebration so stay tuned for a new contest!

I also put together a new header as promised.
Be looking for Darth Vader to appear soon followed by a dueling party.

~Valerian Nightbringer

p.s.  I've updated the lounge lizard locations and added all the ones I have locations for.  Check them out.  If I'm missing any please let me know.