Some of the chainers
(I can't call them players) had built up extreme ranks like 4500rank points. Naturally to get matches they'd start a match with a lower ranked wizard. Getting stunned twice or even 3 times per turn was par for the course.
After some time of expressing frustration my team mates and I came to some conclusions:
1) These people don't care what is fair or not
2) They enjoy it when people get angry
3) They claim they are justified in cheating because King Isle allows arena to be used that way.
4) With second cast you will always lose against chainers
5) With first cast you will always lose against chainers
So if you still want to lose 3 out of 4 battles, and lose your rank to people that cheat you can still go to arena. When you get chainers we highly recommend you don't give them the satisfaction of being angry. (I need to work on that one) Chaining is very boring and pointless even for the chainers except that it seems to give them immense pleasure when you say something back. Don't flee, just get up, go get a snack, read a book or watch TV and just let them wait the full 30 seconds for each cast and the satisfaction of knowing that you're not even trying, not even watching, and not listening to their stupidity.
If you are a chainer, it's not to late to change your ways, and earn respect rather than prove that you deserve none.
hi it's me after a long time of being on fiesta! I just came to tell you the classes in the game. You can play as an fighter, a cleric, an archer, and a mage. Figters can wield 1h swords, 2h swords, 2h axes, and 1h shields. clerics can wield 1h maces, 1h hammers, and shilds.
archers can wield 2h bows, and 2h crossbows. last mages can wield 1h staffs, and 1h wands.
my account is goldengrove and my characters are on the server cypion. make your characters on that server and you can only have 4 characters per server. for more info on the game your going to have to go on and click on games to find fiesta and you play freeforever my two main are Jacob08 lvl 15 fighter and Gabriel09.
hi it's me after a long time of being on fiesta! I just came to tell you the classes in the game. You can play as an fighter, a cleric, an archer, and a mage. Figters can wield 1h swords, 2h swords, 2h axes, and 1h shields. clerics can wield 1h maces, 1h hammers, and shilds.
archers can wield 2h bows, and 2h crossbows. last mages can wield 1h staffs, and 1h wands.
my account is goldengrove and my characters are on the server cypion. make your characters on that server and you can only have 4 characters per server. for more info on the game your going to have to go on and click on games to find fiesta and you play freeforever my two main are Jacob08 lvl 15 fighter and Gabriel09.
Eh i agree with you man I had plenty of battles with allot of noobs trying to kill me but it didn't pay off for them. one of them stunned me several times and they really didn't care at all about whats fair. and after all that getting stunned i finnaly got mad and used power nova and they didn't even see it coming. I had to use traps and blades to get rid of those noobs XD.n they said "no fair!" well to noobs out there life's not fair no offence
Your friend,
Dugan GoldGrove
P.S keep kicking but
Hello! i have made an email interview and i was wondering if there was an email i could contact you at to send it to you.
hello! i have made an interview for the wizard101 bloggers and i would like to send it to you. what is the best way i can contact you?
Student Teacher Elections on Diary of a Wizard
Ravenwood Radio
hi it's lady cat nice blog ,I am usally over at wizard101central .that was a really wonderful match we had .One of the more intense ones I have had in recent weeks! Hope to see more of you in the future ,chao Lady Cat
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