My favorite is Doodle Doug. I rock at that and can get to level 14 fairly consistently. It's a challenge but the prizes are rewarding! Today after ALL the tries I finally earned a mega snack pack at level 15! If I have any tips on getting a super high score on Doodle Doug it would be to try to clear one side first. If one of the digging types comes after you, you can get them stuck on a rock and it will give you about 3 seconds of time to get away. Practice planting bombs and use them to score extra points. Grab ONLY the sparkly boxes that are always white... the others are bad. Be sure to pick up as many as you can as often they will have extra lives in them. The more lives you have the further you'll get. And lastly, if your guy is getting caught, plant a bomb and it will hopefully net you some extra points.
Anyway we're going to start some fun things so come back tomorrow and I'll see about getting the fun kicked off!
Hiya, Vale! I made a blog 2 weeks ago. Go check it out! Thanks-Thunderblade
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