Tuesday, June 30, 2009
New World Is Available Today
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Wizard Secrets Part 2

2) Set your video settings to a lower number to allow you to better use your computer's desktop space

Wizard Secrets Part 1
How I get my potions filled quickly?
Play potion motion up to level 3 then quit for each potion you need filled.
Play one additional time if your mana orb is not currently full.
To get potion motion action started quickly pull the middle two columns down until a few items line up, after that you can quickly drag rows left and right to quickly make matches that will get you very quickly to level 2 if no 3 without any serious thought or effort.
So next time you need to do an instance you can fill up in a couple minutes!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Test Realm Update
I'm hoping some of these strange things have been fixed and look forward to seeing you on test.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
More Open Chat Option For Wizards 18+ Years Old
The downside to this option is that there are a lot of restrictions on it:
1) The user must be 18 or older
2) The user must have a subscription
3) The user must have a credit card on the account (and possibly be the sole account owner)
4) The user must have used the credit card on file to make a purchase through the wizard site
Friday, June 19, 2009
Test of Grizzleheim is Online

If don't already have the test realm client program you can download it by:
1) logging in to the wizard101.com main page using your wizard's username and password.
2) clicking on the red ribbon on the right hand side of the screen. (see below) or go to this link: https://www.wizard101.com/site/home2/wizard101/page_8ad6a4041e1e376d011e47499916066e
New Chat
The first thing you'll notice is the change in the chat window. With the new chat window you can say things that everyone can see who's in the same realm and world as you. The other chat window or tab allows you to chat with people near you without "shouting" to the entire level. Currently personal text messaging doesn't seem to be working. You can also create groups (it seems like you can only belong to one at a time) in which you are temporarily connected to a group of friends to whom you can chat and port even if they're not on your normal friend list. This seems to be a feature to assist in questing in an instanced level or possibly creating a guild.
Make Your Own Items To Sell
You can get a quest in Old Towne (Wizards in the Mist) which will give you a crafting station that allows you to make items. She'll send you on a quest to find "mist wood" which can be found mostly in Marleybone it seems for right now. With three sets of wood you can have lady by Zeke in Olde Towne make you a crafting station. Once you have a crafting station you have to buy a recipe from one of the vendors. The recipe will require certain ingredients. These you have to collect either by finding them on the street or by buying them or picking up boss drops. With the right items to fill the recipe you can make items to sell at the Grizzleheim bazaar.
Grizzleheim missing in the Spiral Door?
You will also quickly notice that the Grizzleheim world is not available in the spiral door. Go to OldeTowne and pick up a quest for the new world from the bear. This should prompt your system to start loading the new world. After you visit Grizzleheim briefly you can talk to Merle Ambrose and get the official quest that will give you the new world as an option when you visit the spiral door.
Here are some wallpaper quality shots of the new world :)
Enjoy :)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Facebook Fan Sign-Up Gives 1000 Gold
You'll get a facebook update note that gives you a one time code for free gold. Enter it in the codes page after logging into the www.wizard101.com web site. After you have entered the code just log into the game. The character you log in with will be able to claim the gold. :)
Have fun and maybe see you on line.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
New Free Code for Wizard101
I believe this may give an item that is the same as one of the previous codes but try it and see what you get!
~ Vale
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Interview with Emily Jade number 12 in top 100 duelists
Speaking of chain-stunners some good friends of mine got chained by these guys who were bragging of being reported over ten times in two days. While I gudgingly admit that there are no hard rules against this kind of behavior I'm coming to believe that stuns should take health from the player that casts it or should only work one time during a battle or simply be removed all together. Certainly with a multi-person chain stun the battle is lost before it has begun for the challengers. I believe the makers of Wizard101 need to address this problem very soon. Arena fans are becoming extremely frustrated by this unfair practice.
Patrick Thundershade
Chris Nightrider
Eric Soulbreaker

Sunday, June 7, 2009
Act 2 Scene 1
Act 2 Scene 2
Friday, June 5, 2009
Almost 100,000 Hit on Storm Boss
Thursday, June 4, 2009
First Virtual Play Ever Recorded?
The play was written and produced by Suri Stormshade. She plays the part of Sylvia Drake while Charles Goldriver plays both Malistaire and Cyrus Drake.
In a historical, possibly first ever... I give you the back story to how Malistaire became evil.
Act 1 Scene 1
Act 1 Scene 2
Monday, June 1, 2009
Boss Drops List ( a start anyway )
Wizard Central
Tiny arched door - petshop beside robe closet
Ink and pen - in Anna's house beside crystal ball on firecat alley
Open book - in Harvest Lord tower on floor to your right when you enter
Brain jar - on Lord Nightshade's desk
Lynx picture - in myth school on wall
Tall ladder - Chamber of fire When walking up the slope look to your right you will see it
Fire glyph - barracks as soon as you walk in on the rightbowl of tomatoes - on ground beside vendor that sells heck-hound
Pumpkin - around Rami in hall of champions
Sledgehammer - on the ground around Farnsworth
Rope - behind column in spiral chamber of marley
Food cart - digmoore station when you go in look right
Hairdini picture - Scotland Yard Station behind elevator
Discarded newspaper - Scotland Roof at the bottom of the stairs on the ground
Stone obelisk - Spiral chamber behind the spiral door
Silk kimono - Jade palace when you walk in on the right
Small boulder - near tu luk ku in Kisibie village
Serpent tablet - When you walk in to fight the plague oni go to your right when you walk in do not have to fight wavebringer just unlock door and go in and get it
Samoorai bust - Hametsu village in fire around jo feng
Dragonspyre lava fountain - by Zeke
Dragonskull obelisk - Hat and robe shop Library Up on the top across from the dagger shop keeper
Cherry blossom tree - from Oak Heart
Battle standard - from Secure House in Drake Hatchery
Pillory - Sandor in plaza of conquest
Fire teacher picture - from Kraysis
Cyrus Drake picture - Greystone