Valerian's School Summer 2014 Pet a Palooza Contest!
We are giving away the following prizes this June and July:
Beta Fish,
Bumble Bees
Night Hawks
Polar Bear Cubs
Shaolin Monkeys
Snakes in Baskets
Stegasauruses or Stegasaurasi?
Trojan Horses
Energy Elixirs
Mega Snack Packs
and a few Midday Estates and Meadows at Dusk and Night Gardens
So how will you win them you ask?
By creating one of the following:

Email it to me at:
Include your Wizard name, your name and your age. If you are a young-ling please send the email through your parent, or a family member or buddy's email account.
If you're sending a picture, save it as .jpg image (JPEG). If it's a article save it as .rtf (RICH TEXT FORMAT) or Word Doc if you have to. If it's a story you can just include it in the email. Please don't send web URLs as we probably won't have time to open them in a safe manner. (I like to keep my computer virus free!)
What you send to us must be: Something new and original and be created by you. I'll post them over time for our readers to enjoy unless you say otherwise.
Winners will receive codes as they are won during the months of June and July. If we can provide identifying information without giving away your actual identity we may announce winners. But in the past this has caused some confusion because many wizards share the same names. (imagine that!) And we don't want to get hopes up if someone sees their name up and it was really another wizard with the same name that won don't have a code... so we'll be looking for an alternate way to list winners. We'll figure something out.
While most winners will be picked randomly, there will be some chosen for sheer awesomeness. So the amount of work that goes into it will be rewarded based on your age group. So do your best.!