I got through half the entries and still have half to go but finally have a free chunk of time so I'm going to post and hurry and work on it! I'm aiming to post winners late Friday.
So I just got done the 6 hour long interview with Amazon.com and am relaxing at the hotel now. Wow. That was in-TENSE! The guys were super friendly and I hit it off with some and had an ok interview with others. 8 people talked to me in the space of 6 hours and it was totally nuts... a lot of whiteboarding and problem solving.
First was the hacking test. Great! I'm a lateral thinker so I pretty quickly showed them how devious I could be.
The second and third ones went super great with no real gotchas. I even had to eat while being interviewed. (AWKward) Then I had an interview where I felt like I wasn't giving the guy the answer he wanted so I said "I can sense I'm not getting to the heart of what you want to know". Then he gave me a hint and that's all I needed to nail the answer. (yay)
Then I had a couple interviews that were good but I knew I messed up on a question but I tried to talk through it and showed that I did know some of the lower level stuff. It seemed to help but I was still bummed because it seemed like I opened a little door for doubt. :(
The thing that made me feel most awkward was that I was way over-dressed. I just wore dockers and a striped long-sleeve shirt but these cool nerds were hanging out in jeans and tshirts and sporting scraggly beards and stuff. I probably looked like a prude! Yikes!
Well, for good or bad it's done and we'll have to see if they thinking I'm worth moving out here.
Here in Seattle it's super cloudly and misty (like the mists of Avalon :)
K. I better get back to processing contest entries.
Thanks for all the kind comments and support.
I'm sure you did better than you're giving yourself credit for.
Hey, at the very least, at least you were awesome enough to get an interview right?
But like I said, I'm sure you did great :D
Fingers crossed ;)
Hey! Just wanted to wish you good luck on the job I hope you get it!!! :)
Good luck in the interviews and enjoy your misty weather. It's already over 100 degrees here in California.
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