Have you ever spent your training points on things you realized were a mistake or changed your mind and wanted your second school to be something else? If so you're in luck!
Go to Golem Court and look up the stork. For additional crowns you can buy back your training points and have them all ready to spend at once.
Again whatever else you learn I'd recommend going to Krokotopia's Krokosphinx island and learn the blades and traps from the tree named Niles.
Let me know if you find a good combination of schools. My death wiz David Dragonheart is looking for a second school!
hey valerian i need help i got a new blog but i need help on how to make my blog good
also a death wiz backup school should be life
The way to make a blog good according to the Wizard101 people is (and a condition to adding it to their site): original content. Original content in this context means that they want you to talk about what is important to you. If you copy what others are writing about you'll be like them. If you write about what you like or post about stuff nobody else posts about then will get people reading your site because they enjoy the kind of things you are posting about.
My content is mixed but is mostly focused on tips on how to be a better wizard and game secrets. What I haven't seen yet is people who act as a reporter or "news" person for the game. I think that might be a fun thing.
I think you should try death and storm
Death mixed with Myth (or Fire) will make one helluva solo. If you prefer group fights, use Balance
After reaching 30th level through blood and sweat, I have found a very effective combination. Storm as my main school gives me tremendously powerful attacking spells like Kraken and Tempest, plus an excellent Minion who draws all attacks onto him as long as he survives. Add to that the school of Life as a secondary school, and you now have the ability to absorb attacks, and heal at will. It's a winning combination.
valerian i am Gavin MythCaller how can i be a better myth wizard to try to get to malistaire on my own? plus i wont to know how to make a blog pls tell me!
of course...Valerian, a good second school for a death wizard is Ice up to Tower shield, as for all seven of my wizards
Chrsitopher Storm- Grandmaster Diviner
Christopoher Frost-Grandmaster Thaumaturge(almost, so close. currently working on him
Christopher LegendCaster- Novice Conjurer
Christopher MoonGem- Novice Necromancer (on a different account, working on the same quests with my myth)
Christopher Silver- Magus Sorcerer
Christopher DragonFlame- Novice Pyromancer
Christopher FairyRider- Initiate Theurgist
(all of thier second schools are Ice except for my first wizard, my storm. That's why I'm getting my training points back ;) )
Dont try myth and ice together, thats just gonna make them harder to battle in dungeons. Afterall, i am myth too, i team up with life spells and storm spells. Jusr a mixture after one school is done... :)
Valerian, i need your help. I am a fire wizard and i have storm, myth, ice, and fire. Which one do i pick as my secondary.
it all depends on how your going to take it, I reset my points once and it cost me like like 5,000 crowns, which isnt that bad since mounts are like, 7,000 just dont do it constantly... well for me I went back and got my shields, and a satyr, which is like 7 training points, feint is also. just make a list and count, what you want then figure it out, I would wait till you have all your training points, then use them its what i am doing now.
I am a Magus Diviner and never felt the need for a myth shield but now, in Marleybone, it's becoming needed!
Thank you so much!I complete forgot about his points selling :)
your 2nd school should be the opposite of your 1st
What if you are Balance?
hey valerian i'm a lvl 32 life wiz and idk what secondary school i should use storm or fire
I'm a death wizard and my secondary school is life. makes a pretty good combo as long as you keep your deck lean (and mean)
Secondary school is lacking the ability to learn all the secondary schools spells...that is why i save my training points for colossal, feint, and the aztec boost spells
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